In an episode of Fuller Youth Institute’s podcast on young adult transitions entitled Identity: #WhoAmI, a youth leader offers this advice as a first step in working with young adults: “Write down the assumptions you have about the ways that person needs to grow.” Ethan, the leader, describes that many of us allow our own life story to dictate the stories of others and, “our assumptions can cause us to minister to stereotypes instead of people.”

What assumptions do you make of young adults? Do you envision young adulthood as culminating in marriage or parenthood? Are you concerned about young adults who have had multiple job changes, fearing this might show a lack of purpose or commitment? What concerns did you carry for the world in young adulthood, and how has the world changed?

In the spirit of intercultural exchange, how can we actively set down our biases and ask better questions? How can we express our willingness to listen?

Attend this month’s virtual Discipleship Summit 2024 to do just this. Join Fuller Youth Institute leader Rev. Chuck Hunt and ABHMS Summer Passionary Interns and scholars on October 16th for Engaging Young Adult Faith. Hear about the transitions each young adult experiences in their own way, and then ask a panel of young adults the questions on your heart and mind.

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