Summer invites a different pace of living. Whether rising earlier to walk ahead of the heat or staying outdoors later to bask in the golden light of later sunsets, we encourage you to embrace the simple gifts of this season.

The pace of summer living can be matched by a new pace of learning. We hope your beach bag will have a Judson Press book or two, and unless you leave all technology behind, you can take the Center for Continuous Learning along with you too. We’ve highlighted below some of the many courses you can access on-demand this summer—learning where, when, and with whom you want!

  • Looking to reconnect with the young people in your community or church? Treasuring Our Youth is a 5-session video series with content from nationally known youth leaders and study guides to use alone or with small groups.
  • Catch up on prior offerings of the Chosen Generations series or Baptist Theology on Thursdays. Your registration or subscription gives you access to all past conversations as well as ones yet to come!
  • Determining how to spend your summer vacation budget? Check out Couples and Money to get on the same page about your present reality and your future goals.

Wherever and whenever you do your summer learning, we hope you’ll consider and share our courses with colleagues and friends. May this be a season of meaningful service, gentle rest, and reconnection.


The Center for Continuous Learning Team