When it comes to worship planning, Trinity Sunday can be a bit of a challenge. After all, how do you celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity?

But don't let that stop you from putting together a meaningful and worshipful service! Here are five excellent worship elements to help you make the most of Trinity Sunday:

Desperate Preacher.com Holy Trinity Sunday an Opening Skit

Ministry Matters Reading

Idea: Choose your readers ahead of time or ask for volunteers at the moment! If you have five members who join from home consider letting them lead from home.

The Painted Prayerbook Poured Into Our Hearts

Ideas: Jan Richardson's Blessings bring out such vivid imagery. Leveraging the first four lines on the blessing you could fill a table or altar with all of the cups, chalices, basins, and bowls you could find.

Does your church have mugs or cups with the church logo on them? If so you could do the blessing over them and then invite people to come forward during the benediction to receive one.

Lutherans Restoring Creation Preaching on Creation: Holy Trinity Sunday (June 12) in Year C

Lutheran Church of Australia Visual Arts & Drama – Sunday, 12 June 2022- Holy Trinity Sunday

If you are looking for ideas for designing your worship space then you are going to want to bookmark the Lutheran Church of Australia. Each week in their worship planning resources they have a section dedicated to visual arts and drama. From flowers to symbols to PowerPoint-ready images they have it all!

Need more ideas?

Click Here to download our ever-expanding worship elements resource listing!

Want to share ideas?

Join the Worship Designers and Planners Community on Facebook! 


Photo by Sharon Santema on Unsplash