In Preston Taylor Ministries' (PTM) Annual Christmas tree fundraiser, our staff takes our students in PTM vehicles (vans and buses) to pick up Christmas trees around Nashville. This is a fun way to get our students involved in our fundraising. This year the suggested donation was $10 and our average donation this year has been about $25. This year we picked up over 730 trees which is about 100 more than our previous record in 2018.  We will use the money to help fund field trips and outings throughout the year. Not only has the effort raised over $18,000 but provided a meaningful activity for our students and introduced a few hundred new donors to our organization.  An added benefit is a bigger database for future fundraising and volunteer recruitment.

For more information about this ministry of this Community Outreach Ministry/Rizpah's Children Partner please contact:

Chan Sheppard
(615) 596-4386